Once we finish class, we simply roll up our yoga mats and hurry off back to reality without giving it another thought. I know I’m guilty of this! However, the...
Beginning to Meditate in 5 Easy Steps
Learning to meditate can be a daunting thing; the idea of sitting on the floor and chanting for hours can seem impossible – even boring...
Valka Yoga in the News in 2021
2021 has been an interesting year in for Valka Yoga in New Zealand so far. We have also been fortunate to have a few interesting...
5 Ways That Calisthenics Can Improve Your Yoga Practice with The Lifestyle PT
Every yogi that has ever chased self-improvement in their own yoga poses has in some way performed some calisthenics movements. In fact, it might come...
Why Purpose-Driven Businesses are Key to a Sustainable Future
A freelancer's journey to writing for sustainable brands & how one business can make a difference.
Yoga for Busy People: Best Yoga Poses and Their Benefits
When you have a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to find time for a 60 or 90 minute yoga class. Fortunately, a quick yoga...
Tips on Choosing your Best Yoga Mat
There are many different types of yoga mats on the market today. If you’re on the look out for a new yoga mat you might...
The Importance of a Morning Routine
Establishing a regular morning practice of yoga is one way that we can prioritise our well being and begin to heal. Charlotte from NOWBreathe Studio...
Keep Your Cool With Yoga
If the weather forecast is correct, we’re in for a few hot months yet. Here’s a few tips for you to stay cool and comfortable when the...
Stay Present
Let’s try thinking about resolutions a little differently this year. The very essence of a yoga practice is to be in the here and now;...