Christmas Candle

A Slow and Enjoyable Festive Season

Posted by Valka Yoga on

Christmas Candle

We hear about slow food, slow living and slow yoga but rarely does anyone utter the words: slow Christmas. And yet it seems, more than ever, that we’re craving a slower, simpler and all-together more enjoyable approach to the festive season. We don’t want to get to January and feel exhausted and depleted.

Let’s say no to the frantic festive energy that has so many of us in a whirl. Indeed, it’s time to close the doors, settle down, and write a list of priorities for the next few weeks.

1. Remember, it’s alright to say “No”: there are so many social gatherings and end-of-year celebrations and it’s far too easy to feel obligated to attend them all. But you know what? You don’t have to. Give yourself permission to listen to your body and if you’re feeling that it’s all too much, just say no.

2. Drink lots of water: summer is most definitely here with warm nights and humid days. Celebratory drinks are wonderful but make sure you drink extra water so you stay hydrated and healthy. An extra glass before bedtime helps, too.

3. Walk off the overwhelm: there are so many high-expectations at this time of year and it’s far too easy to become overwhelmed. For the sensitive, introverts among us, it can definitely be a challenging time. If you feel that you’re becoming overwhelmed and agitated, walk it off. Better yet, walk along the beach and let the ocean soothe you. It’s always a beautiful way to find perspective.

4. Embrace a gentle yoga practice: perhaps you are addicted to your Astanga yoga or can’t fathom anything but a sweat session. Listen carefully to your body. Feeling tired, weary, hot and a little depleted? Maybe it’s time to practice slowly and gently over the next few weeks. Our yin yoga inspired episodes are a great place to start!

5. Get an early night: sleep heals all ails and it’s particularly helpful at this time of year. Create a beautiful bedtime ritual for yourself; turn of your screens, make yourself chamomile tea, have a shower or a warm bath, rub a little lavender oil into your shoulders and jawline to relieve tension, open a book, deep breathe and relax your face. Settle in and down for sweet, sweet slumber.

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